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Peta Troughton

What skills do you bring to the Board of Trustees?

My skills are soft. I don't have skills in HR or Finance or Comms or Management. What I will bring to the BOT will be an interest in community and wellbeing. 

Where do you see Oropi School in 3 years’ time?

I hope Oropi School will be full of happy, engaged and supported students. I hope the staff at Oropi School will feel part of a loving team and have job satisfaction.

What do you hope to learn from being on the Board of Trustees?

I'm looking forward to a deeper understanding of how the school leadership team make decisions and what 'big' questions are being asked. I look forward to getting to know that other board members who so kindly try to make a difference. 

What do you do in your spare time?       

I am just learning about myself again after having my kids. I'm a slow learner! I love reading and eating. I love heading out on a nice day to Lake Tarawera with the kids for a mid lake picnic. I love a cuppa and a chat. I always have an AirPod in listening to one podcast or another. I enjoy my veggie garden. Oh and trawling Pinterest. Aaannnddd adding things to cart.