Menu's 2023
Apple and cinnamon mini muffins
Apple, feijoa and rhubard crumble
Avocado, tomato and cucumber salad
Cabbage patties, with herb and garlic sauce
Cabbage, cucumber and corn salad
Cauliflower and greens and pasta bake
Coconut slice with a citrus syrup
Courgette tacos with greens pesto
Courgette tacos with greens pesto
Feijoa and cherry guava chocolate cake
Feijoa and chocolade mini muffins
Flatbread with herbs and garlic butter
Green salad with honey mustard dressing
green salad with soy and sesame dressing
Jam drops (with cherry guava jam)
Louise cake with cherry guava jam
Mandarin, persimmon, lemon and coconut tea biscuit
mini chocolate and feijoa muffins
Mini chocolate cup cakes with chantilly cream and macerated strawberries
Mixed green salad with avocado dressing
No yeast bread rolls with herb and garlic butter
Oven baked curly fries with a herb dipping sauce
Pumpkin and chocolate mini muffins
Pumpkin and potato gnocchi with a greens pesto
Pumpkin and spring onion pasta bake
Rhubarb and chocolate mini muffins
Roast baby potato, tomato, spinach and courgette salad with a creamy tahini dressing