As a school we take the health and safety of our children on school buses seriously. We want to ensure that the buses are not overcrowded and that children riding the bus are safe. This is additional to the behavioural requirements we have in place already, which is part of the signed agreement.
As a result of our bus review we would like to draw your attention to the following.
Priority Guide:
The following outlines the priority for who gets to use the bus services.
1a. In Zone with siblings already using the bus
1b. In Zone with no siblings using the bus
2. Out of zone with siblings already using the bus
3. Out of zone with no siblings using the bus
Registering your Intention to have a child use the bus:
If you wish for your child to use one of the buses, you must complete the Bus Agreement form located on the school website and hand it into the office or email it to The office will then log your intention and get back to you as to when your child will have a space available on the relevant bus. PLEASE do not assume there is a space on the bus you are considering. Some of our buses now have a wait list. The office will be able to advise of space availability.
New Entrant children and those in their first 6 months of school
We strongly advise children in this category not to use the school bus, especially when they do not have an older sibling who is already using the bus. Please put very careful thought into this when considering your child's transportation to and from school.
Caregivers are responsible for getting their children to school, which may involve getting the children to and from their nearest bus pick-up and drop-off location. Please either remain with your children while they are waiting for their school transport or keep in contact with them to make sure that they are picked up safely. It is recommended students and caregivers be at the bus pick-up/drop-off locations at least 5 to 10 minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive. If you wish to discuss any school transport related issues, please contact by emailing
us on 07 543 1479
To help us manage the daily bus lists, we kindly ask:
- If your child will not be using the bus on certain days throughout the term, please let us know in advance so we can update the schedule accordingly.
- For one-off changes, where your child will not be taking the bus and is being picked up from school, please notify us no later than 2:00 PM on the day by emailing
nz or call us on 07 543 1479
Transport Zone
- The ministry of education set the transport zone for schools, this map provides the zones, In transport zone and out of transport zone.
- TransportZones
Please keep an eye on Kindo for the bus fees. These will be payable before the end of each Term , and we encourage you to make payment as early as possible.
If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us at, and we will get back to you at our earliest convenience.
This year, we are focused on ensuring a safe and positive environment for all students travelling on our school buses. You will find our ĹŚropi School Bus Transportation Agreement on another tab, which outlines the behaviour expectations that all students must adhere to while using the buses.
We kindly ask that you take the time to review these expectations with your tamariki and encourage them to make positive choices while on the bus. It is important to note that these expectations will be strictly adhered to this year to ensure the safety of everyone on board.
Alaina Parkinson is the teacher responsible for buses this year, please contact her to address any questions or concerns regarding bus behaviour. For inquiries related to timetables, please contact the school office.
Thank you for your support in helping us create a safe and respectful environment on our school buses.